👷🏽 Welcome aboard, Savvy Operators!

My journey from Consulting -> Operator -> Founder + Fractional COO

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey old and new friends - Tushar from Savvy Operator here.

First, my mind is absolutely blown from how many of you signed up for this newsletter yesterday.

I posted on LinkedIn about finally taking the leap to start my own business as a fractional COO and linked this newsletter as a place where I’ll be sharing my journey and learnings along the way.

I couldn’t have imagined the kind of outpouring of love and support that I received.

In less than 24 hours, the post already has over 19,000 views (and counting), and I have received 100s of newsletter signups, comments, DMs and text messages.

WTF. That’s insane!

I’m truly humbled and grateful that you are here.

Quick request - when you get to the end of this email, could you please take literally 20 seconds to fill out the Google Form that’s linked below?

It's six simple questions (almost all are multiple choice) about you and your current role. That way I can send you the most relevant updates and invitations to future community events 🍾 

Since so many of you are new friends here, a quick intro about myself -

  • I immigrated from India for college at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Didn’t know a soul, nor did I have any social or professional network of my own in America (besides two of my Indian uncles and aunties, God bless them). So I had to hustle. A lot.

  • Joined McKinsey as a consultant after graduating. Lots of slides, excels, late nights, and learnings. Felt like an imposter advising senior operators at Fortune 25 companies and wanted to get some street cred of my own (will be writing more about this soon)

  • Jumped on an early-stage B2B SaaS company called Wunderkind as a BizOps leader. Helped the company scale 2x in revenue and brought new 0 to 1 products to market

  • Most recently, I was the Head of Expansion, BizOps and Partnerships for Noom’s new Telehealth business (Noom Med) which I incubated, built and scaled from 0 to 10s of thousands of users, 45+ states, and $xx million in revenue run-rate, all without any background in digital health

Now, I know these bullets look nice and clean. As if this was always the grand plan from the start.

Reality was a little different though. It was full of ups and downs, self doubt, patience, rejection, luck and courage.

I’m going to use this newsletter to share learnings from my experience - things that I wish I did differently as an early career consultant and operator that I think you will find useful if you’re trying to level up.

I will also be sharing thoughts from my journey as a bootstrapped founder and COO for other startups. If you’re a COO or operating leader, I think you will find them relatable and hopefully insightful.

Now is the perfect time to fill out this 20-second Google Form.

It’ll help me send you only the most relevant updates and invitations to future community events. Plus it’ll make my day!

Thanks a million for being here, friends.

Talk more soon! 🕺 

Today’s newsletter writing location…my home office!

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